Friday, September 19, 2008

Section Eight 2008 Season Promotional Video

I found this by accident (it popped up on the film strip on the side of the Section 108 blog which I have as the home page on my work browser...busted)

Had to share in light of the upcomming Columbus, Dallas, and Red Bull games.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Osario Outdoes Himself

Yes, I'm still smarting from Juan Carlos's defection. He left us high and dry - tried to steal Marmol (ok, I know, we've never seen Marmol play a game so who gives a damn), then he convinced our poor unfrozen caveman soccer player Wilman Conde to go over to the dark side as well!

Well, Conde has paid his penance for his indiscretion and is now back in the good graces of Chicago fans. But JCO has stolen from Conde his most notable calling card.

Yes, I'm here to say that Wilman Conde is no longer the most "prototype" human playing in the league. JCO has gone back to South America (primitive Amazon Jungles, don't you know) and pulled forth another missing link.

I know I've besmirched Wilman and called him a Neanderthal, when clearly anyone can see he's a Cromagnon. But that matters not a bit, because JCO has managed to find a still living (and soccer playing) member of Australopithecus Africanus. Behold Jorge Rojas...

This picture isn't very good. But I have gotten my hands on a high res version and you can clearly see the nick marks where JCO has shaved off Jorge's uni-brow and forehead hair.

I'm writing a letter to US Immigration. No more unfrozen caveman soccer player visa's for JCO!!