Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chris Rolfe Needs Your Vote!

Once again Rolfie is up for the Sierra Mist Goal of the Week! Competition is tuff this week, with a stinger by Ante Razov in the vote and (hiss) that goal by Abdus Ibrahim (sorry about the spelling) against the Fire.

Use your vote to tip the scales toward rightousness and justice and away from Ante goal! (sorry about the lame pun)

Click Here to Vote NOW!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Have No Finger Nails Left

Jeez. That was an amazing game! I am very happy that I signed up for Fox Soccer Channel on Saturday so that Kris and I could watch the game after cutting and splitting fire wood all day. Now the Question is, will the Rolph goal or the Thorington goal end up at the Sierra Goal of the Week? We'll have to wait 'till Monday to start voting!!!

Boy it's good to have the Fire back on the winning side...and dominating offense.

That injury to Segares looks nasty. Anybody heard how long he's gonna be out?