Thursday, April 24, 2008

Survey Says....

Given the choice between chili, brats, beef, or fajitas - and knowing full well that the voters had chosen Brats - Tania and Holly have stolen the election and gone with Pork Steaks or Ka-bobs!!


Where were Ka-bobs or Pork Steaks on the poll?! I had carefully crafted the food selection so as not to offend anyone (Kris is Kosher, John won't eat things with more appendages than him, and Tania has to have stuff that can be doused with cayenne pepper or Tabasco sauce). Given this tricky dietary law, how can you amateurs step in and think KA-bobs!?!

Well, that's it. If you think you soooo smart, just go ahead and play iron chef! I'm just going to be sitting and drinking my ARE getting BEER, right John?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Competition Heats Up - Big Time!

Oh Yes, the competition is definitely heating up in the Fantasy League. In a brilliant bit of work, Tania, in two weeks, has crawled out of the basement and vaulted straight to the top of the heap! What are her secrets? Even I don't know. But she does keep a yellow legal pad full of strange color coded symbols and glyphs. Either coded player picks or witch craft...perhaps a bit of both.

Well, week 3 did not treat me well. Nothing tragic. I picked up a few points but nothing spectacular. So far, I've resisted making any trades, but the time may be here. I'll let you know next week if I decide to go for it!

Finally, I'll let you know what Brandon has been doing, since he's been doing pretty good too. More on that later...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold...and Wet

Ahh, how sweet it was to see our Fire steamroll the hated Revs. Yes, they were a depleted team, and the victims of an early red card. But I think that's just Karma. Or bad voodoo.

Regardless, it was wet, cold, and glorious! Nobody could speak after the game (horse from screaming and chanting). Oh, by the way, Kris wanted everyone to know he's the man to beat when it comes to demonstrating for the team. During the off season, he's apparently learned every single Section 8 chant. Although the words "Doh-doh-doh" seem to come up a lot, but none of us know any better so until proven otherwise, he's the man.

The only blemish on the game came from a few fools in the Section 8 area that thought it would be a good idea to bomb Matt Reis with soda bottles and other crap. The fire should install a wiener cam over there so they can eject/revoke season tickets from the ding-bats who never learned sportsmanship! Also, Section 8 have decided to use a couple of their "blue" chants again this year. My opinion, bad for the sport - bad for the club. If parents want to instruct their kids on four letter words, they can take them to a Bears game. Word of advise to Section 8 - keep it clean - keep it fair. You can either be a point of pride for the club (which I think Section 8 is 99.99% of the time) or an embarrassment on National TV. Choose wisely.

Due to the inclement weather, we cut the tailgate a bit short. But Tania did great with chili and chocolate chip pan cookies, and we did manage to fly the Flags (half staff) for about an hour before the rain made us pack-up. Here's a video take just before we went into the game (umm...we had a few refreshments prior to filming...).

Post game, the Fire put on a great fireworks show. They launched them from just outside the practice field. Since we parked in our usual spot, we were subjected to an intense salvo of incoming mortars and rockets. Intense.

Well, that's it. Next attended game vs. Colorado Rapids. Look in the side bar of the blog for a poll - what do you want to cook for the Rapids Tailgate Party?!?


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tonight's Game Guide

Just taking a moment before I leave for the game to post the link to tonight's game guide.

Remember to tune in on ESPN2 and cheer our Fire on to victory over the hated Revs!!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No Explanations, Just Beginners Good and Bad Luck

My recent splurge in points is a result of taking too much time to decide on my roster and luck. My kids talked me into taking Blanco and his 300 salary at the last moment while some dude on some website convinced me to take the "cheap" defenders that I started. I initially started out dispersing the wealth evenly among my roster which lacked the starpower that generally accumulates big points for an individual. Then I decided to star stud my roster with the focus on scoring and less on defense (dont teach the kids this philosophy) and that worked OK for one week. Gomez, Galindo and Blanco really did a good job for me but I will need to do some major defensive adjustments to stay afloat. I received most of my points from the pretty boys but I would prefer a more even distribution of points which means transactions (and those darn fees) for defense.
Jim's team did a great job but of course he had to make a deal with the devil (NER) to get his points. I cant be too harsh about that because I bought Twellman, his 274 salary and his 100 transfer fee to find out he is out for at least six weeks. Ouch! I could trade his Cadillac salary for a Pinto priced player but once that transaction goes through I will have a Pinto player that cost me a Caddy. Back to the ole drawing board.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Deals at MLS Online Store

Lots of deals are available at the MLS Online Store. In particular, last years jerseys are all at reduced prices (especially training jerseys). Add to that the fact that they are now doing free shipping, and its just as good as going to the local soccer shop. Check it out.