Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fire power ranking not so powerful

Fox Soccer power rankings are out. Last year, Chicago started the season at Number 3. This year, we earned Number 16.

That was not a typo.

Just a reminder. There are only 18 teams in the MLS.

Well, no place to go but up. I'll be tracking it all year. Count on it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Sunday, March 13, 2011

MFLS Division "Section (one oh!) Eight" is Alive Again!

I've created a MFLS Private Division once again for any of those interested and confident enough to challenge the 2 year Reigning Divisional Champion "Fire_Fan"! So what that there was like no one playing last year or anything, but the year before that, I kicked, well, you know what!

Playing in this Fantasy League has been lots of fun for me in years past and I look forward to another year of entertainment. This was a great idea by Jim years ago when he started us on this MFLS journey. Participating really forced me to learn more about other teams, other players and how the rest of the league was performing, which got me more involved, more interested, more educated and I had much more fun!

For those that might be new to the fun… follow this link for the fantasy league web page (MFLS.com), this link for the MLS Teams so you can start your research (Major League Soccer). Once you have created a team on MFLS, you can join a division and our sis named “Section (One Oh!) Eight” and you will need a password which is the same it has always been, “Fire”.

Good luck to all those who dare challenge me and GO FIRE!