Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's That Sound?

What's that sound? It's me sitting in front of my TV yelling "Holy Crap!".

Did we just witness the birth (or rebirth) of what will be the most storied side in MLS?

Okay, I know, calm down - its just one game. But Holy Crap! That was the soccer equivalent of "Shock and Awe". Did you see Angel at the end of the game? He was just standing in the center of the field turning in circles. And did you catch the camera pan across the Red Bull bench? Juan Carlos was sitting at the end of the bench with his trench coat pulled up over his head, his thumb in his mouth, rocking back and forth mumbling "Mio Dios, Mio Dios, Mio Dios...".

In the 73rd minute, I actually saw a kitchen sink hit Goldwaith.

I was actually considering not going to the Seattle game.


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