Monday, January 19, 2009

There goes another day!

Nobody likes Monday. Sunday's out because, well, the next day is Monday. Tuesday? No good - still recovering from Monday. Friday, Saturday - OK. That leaves Wednesday and Thursday. Until today, Thursday was my favorite because, of course, MLS Primetime Thursday in glorious HD was on (at least for 31 Thursdays per year).

But as of today, that appears to have changed. ESPN announced that they will no longer be doing the Thursday Night Prime Time thing. Not good enough ratings!

Nobody called me! I was watching every Thursday! Ask my wife!

Great. Now Thursday sucks.

Of course, this might mean fewer Thursday games on the home schedule, which is a plus.

Regardless, apparently ESPN will still continue to broadcast the same number of MLS games, they'll just do weekend games instead.

To bad. I liked the Thursday thing. Beats watching "The Biggest Looser Dances with Super Nanny's Mamma's Boy" (I can't keep track anymore).

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