Thursday, April 24, 2008

Survey Says....

Given the choice between chili, brats, beef, or fajitas - and knowing full well that the voters had chosen Brats - Tania and Holly have stolen the election and gone with Pork Steaks or Ka-bobs!!


Where were Ka-bobs or Pork Steaks on the poll?! I had carefully crafted the food selection so as not to offend anyone (Kris is Kosher, John won't eat things with more appendages than him, and Tania has to have stuff that can be doused with cayenne pepper or Tabasco sauce). Given this tricky dietary law, how can you amateurs step in and think KA-bobs!?!

Well, that's it. If you think you soooo smart, just go ahead and play iron chef! I'm just going to be sitting and drinking my ARE getting BEER, right John?

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